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The Transition of Knowledge
power and East Asian Humanities

HK-Plus Center in the Institute of Japanese Studies Dankook UNIV.

About "The transition of Knowledge power and East Asian Humanities" Project

  • Thank you for visiting our web site.
    This research centre was initiated from 2017, selected as an HK+ humanities research work.
    The major research of this centre is the con-divergence of system and ventilation of knowledge in between Korea, China, and Japan.
    This is aimed at investigating effect and value of knowledge throughout studies in terms of knowledge traditions and their ventilating aspects of those three countries from 15th to 20th century.
  • Knowledge discourses is presented in history of mentality as usual, but still worth to discuss on divers perspectives.
    Especially it is a significant task to investigate knowledge tradition and its developmental aspects of East Asia for both of current and forthcoming culture of intelligence in Korea.
    We lay stress on 'formation of knowledge infrastructure', 'reconstructing of intellectual topography', and 'knowledge socialization', which consist the foundation of knowledge discourses.
  • We have a far-reaching aim to make this centre worldwide, by those research activities consist of five specializing tasks, suggested by Jung Hyeong, chief council of this centre.
    Those tasks will make this centre as a hub in terms of cross-cultural studies and overall spheres of humanities in East Asia.
    Besides, HK+ Regional Humanities Centre, affiliated organization to our institute, will also occupy a leading position in regional studies regarding with Korea, China, and Japan, so that contribute to the development of Korean society.