花袋の文学は西欧自然主義理論を受容しながらも、日本伝統文学の自然観を継承し、自然と人間の融合を表現する独自の芸術世界を形成した。 特に彼の晩年作品では仏教的思想に基づいた「自他融合」を通じて人間と自然が一つに融合する自然観を探求し、彼の文学的な世界は日本文学史で再照明される価値のある重要な位置を占めるのである。
Tayama Katai is the leading author of Japanese naturalist literature, which combined the Western naturalist theory with the influence of traditional Japanese literature and built his own literary world. In his works, nature appears as an important element closely related to human emotions and lives beyond simple backgrounds. His masterpiece, 'The Last of the Zuemon', is a mixture of naturalistic elements and traditional Japanese travelogues, showing an attempt to explore the relationship between nature and humans. In particular, in 'The Rural Teacher', nature that reflects the life and pain of the protagonist appears, suggesting his frustration and death through natural descriptions. In addition, travelogues such as 'ManSeon HaengRak', awe of nature and other people's eyes on colonial Choseon are mixed and depicted.
While accepting Western naturalist theories, Katai's literature inherited the view of nature of traditional Japanese literature and formed an independent art world that expresses the fusion of nature and humans. In particular, his later works explore the view of nature in which humans and nature converge through "I and Nature-convergence" based on Buddhist ideas, and his literary world occupies an important place in the history of Japanese literature that deserves re-examination.
[16890] 경기도 용인시 수지구 죽전로152 단국대학교 상경관 317호·527호·530호