In this article, Khan Kikuchi’s “saigozatukam” and the play “sinsaiyodam” were published shortly after the Great Kanto Earthquake to examine the anguish of intellectuals, the spread of rumors at that time, and the expression of vigilante’s actions. Khan Kikuchi met with the unprecedented Great Kanto Earthquake and advocated the useless theory of literature and the decline of literature while predicting changes in literature, but he was criticized for his shallow views. In addition, “The Tale of the Earthquake” depicts the characters being spread by rumors and the vigilante group who are eager to check on Koreans. As a result, it was confirmed that the expression of the contents to Koreans was indirect but hidden with the intention of informing the truth to some extent. It is certain that Khan Kikuchi, who can be said to be a realist, is a writer who has lived passionately sending his message to society, referring to the occupations necessary for reconstruction from the Great Kanto Earthquake.
本稿では、関東大震災直後に発表された菊池寛の「災後雑感」と戯曲「震災余譚」を通じて、知識人の煩悶、そして当時のデマの流布、自警団の行動に対する表現について考察を試みた。 菊池寛は未曾有の関東大震災に会い、文芸に対する変化を予見しながら文芸の無用説、文芸の衰退を主張したが、浅はかな見解で非難を免れなかった。また、「震災余譚」ではデマに振り廻される登場人物と朝鮮人を検問するために血眼になっている自警団の姿が描かれている。 これにより、菊池寛がある程度真実を知らせようとする意図で朝鮮人に対する内容の表現を間接的であるが、伏字で表示していることが確認できた。現実主義者ともいえる菊池寛は関東大震災から復興に向かって必要な職業についても言及し社会に自分のメセージを情熱的に発信しながら生きてきた作家であることは確かであろう。
[16890] 경기도 용인시 수지구 죽전로152 단국대학교 상경관 317호·527호·530호